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Lil love notes and swag in every Dreamso

catchin' dreams since 2015

Dreamsongs started out with just crystal dreamcatchers in 2015 and then quickly expanded into jewelry later that year. Now we offer crystal mobiles, crystal specimens, a rotating tiny collection of vintage home decor, and exclusive hand painted denim as well. Most of our items are handmade pieces inspired by nature and magic created with â€‹genuine quartz crystals and other stones to help amplify your energies and promote good vibes. All of our designs are handmade with natural materials sourced from other small businesses. 


We're located on Cape Cod, vacation mecca, and ship worldwide. If you're local we regularly vend at festivals and are available in select retail locations. Check out the blog page to figure out where we will be popping up next.


Dear you,

Hey, you! Yeah, you reading this. This letter is for you.

Thank you for stopping by and actually taking the time to read these bunch of words. I'm no good at talking about myself but I'll try. My name is Lyza and I've been an artist my whole life. If you want to know more about this business venture, check out the press page for interviews. If you want to know more about just me, keep reading.


Lone wolf, fiercely loyal, always looking towards the stars, wintergreen addict, thrift shop junkie, crystal collector, fashion geek, tree hugger, mountain mama, seafood snob, potty mouth, ridiculously optimistic. 


So yeah, I'm Lyza and I grew up on that lil spit of land that looks like a flexed arm that hangs off of Massachusetts... Cape Cod. 


It's the little things in life that deserve celebrating. I never thought I'd have Dreamsongs but here we are and here I am writing about it on a website. My website. My little internet space that I can share with you and that's pretty fucking cool.

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